Why HR Departments are moving to Org Chart Software
Many HR departments are struggling with the valuable time lost by managing and updating their self-made impact using software such as PowerPoint, Excel and Visio.
Has it ever crossed your mind to switch to a software-based Org Chart?
Making this switch would save you time, stress and ultimately help you to streamline your internal processes.
What’s more, you’ll enable and empower better inter-team and employee collaboration simply by making your org chart more visible and accessible to all.

Here are just a few of the reasons you might want to consider adopting TeamOrg Chart Software:
· Automating your processes means you’ll significantly reduce the manual admin work for the team responsible for updating your org chart.
· Your business employees and structure will be updated automatically, giving you and your team a live view of your structure and workforce.
· Intuitive integrations with your other core software mean you’ll make the process of accessing the system and collaborating more friction-free.
· Having an interactive visual chart looks more polished, presenting you more professionally to partners, contractors, employees and other stakeholders.
· Better accessibility means better agility and flexibility, as you’ll be able to manage organisational changes and restructuring more efficiently
Want to experience TeamOrgChart free for 30 days? Sign up- to our free trial below

Get in touch
TeamImprover Ltd
Sanderum House
Oakley Road | Chinnor
Oxfordshire | OX39 4TW
United Kingdom
Company Number: 07777066
VAT: GB 120 3384 58