Self-Made Org Chart vs Software
Having a static org chart means that the document requires regular, manual updates. While many businesses implement processes that mean regular updates to the org chart are implemented, this is time-consuming and tedious for whoever lands this on their to-do list. Often managed by junior members of the HR team, this task takes up valuable time that could be used to drive more impactful, meaningful work for your HR team.
Here are some of the other core pitfalls of maintaining a static org chart:
It is time consuming, and tedious to maintain regularly.
It looks a little unprofessional compared with software alternatives.
It requires input from other team members and uses up valuable resource.
It can be less accessible and less visible to your employees than a software version.
Making a choice to switch to a software-based org chart could save you time, stress and ultimately help you to streamline your internal processes. What’s more, you’ll enable and empower better inter-team and employee collaboration simply by making your org chart more visible and accessible to all.
Switching to a software-based Org Chart
Making a choice to switch to a software-based org chart could save you time, stress and ultimately help you to streamline your internal processes. What’s more, you’ll enable and empower better inter-team and employee collaboration simply by making your org chart more visible and accessible to all.
Here are just a few of the reasons you might want to consider adopting an integrated org chart for your business:
Automating your processes means you’ll significantly reduce the manual admin work for the team responsible for updating your org chart.
Your business employees and structure will be updated automatically as your business grows and evolves, giving you and your team a live view of your structure and workforce.
Intuitive integrations with your other core software mean you’ll make the process of accessing the system and collaborating more friction-free.
Having an interactive visual chart looks more polished, presenting you more professionally to partners, contractors, employees and other stakeholders.
Better accessibility means better agility and flexibility, as you’ll be able to manage organisational changes and restructuring more efficiently.
To find out more read our latest guide.

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